Q2 2012 Results


In (000) reported currency reported currency reported currency   reported currency reported currency US $ US $ US $        
Company Operating income Operating costs Gross income (loss) from operations GM Net Income EPS EPS USD Cash and cash equivalents US Debt US US$ revenues yoyREV % yoyGM % yoyEPS %
JA Solar 284,372 270,814 13,554 4.77% -72,063 -0.37 -0.37 622,617 1,056,464 284,372 -31 276 -100
First  Solar 957,332 713,591 243,741 25.5% 110,983 1.27 1.27 630,240 518,851 957,332 80 -30 81
SunPower 595,897 522,397 73,500 12.3% -84,181 -0.71 -0.71 366,250 834,985 595,897 1 278 53
Conergy 145,500 117,600 27,900 19.2% -7,300 -0.04 -0.05 36,519 174,329 179,511 -35 60 90
Renesola 233,038 231,735 1,303 0.6% -34,803 -0.40 -0.40 394,168 932,920 233,038 -6 -97 -100
Yingli  488,506 466,229 22,277 4.6% -95,777 -0.58 -0.58 882,483 2,690,950 488,506 -28 -79 -100
Gintech 4,330,592 4,193,279 137,313 3.2% -158,453 -0.47 -0.02 114,464 332,948 143,949 -19 163.4 -100
Canadian 348,222 305,054 43,168 12.4% -25,474 -0.59 -0.59 692,148 1,063,933 348,222 -28 -6 -100
Hanwha  168,694 158,064 10,630 6.30% -41,974 -0.50 -0.50 376,582 758,682 168,064 -39 -19 -100
Daqo 30,559 36,504 -5,945 -19.45% -7,995 -0.20 -0.20 90,152 343,345 30,559 -57 -100 -100
Trina Solar 346,054 317,062 28,992 8.4% -92,097 -1.30 -1.30 840,993 1,302,788 346,054 -40 -50 -100
Jinko 194,867 178,561 16,306 8.4% -48,873 -2.20 -2.20 97,217 587,544 194,867 -44 -67 -100
SolarWorld 169,587 185,794 -16,207 -9.6% -161,060 -1.45 -1.75 395,245 1,340,393 209,367 -44 -100 -100
Ch Sunergy 110,384 110,669 -285 -0.2% -30,282 -2.26 -2.26 416,419 577,824 110,384 -23 -100 -100
LDK Solar 235,361 327,356 -91,995 -39.9% -254,341 -2.00 -2.00 296,193 3,409,933 235,361 -53 -100 -100
NeoSolar 3,949,429 4,157,021 -207,592 -5.3% -362,229 -0.84 -0.03 140,793 171,639 129,001 -43 -100 -100
GET 2,945,062 3,618,921 -673,859 --22.9% -922,909 -2.92 -0.10 121,277 492,412 96,034 -51 -100 -100
Motech 4,457,766 5,604,069 -1,146,303 -25.7% -2,234,685 -5.10 -0.17 277,440 405,774 145,244 -50 -100 -100
REC 1,987,000 4,666,000 -2,679,000 -134.8% -4,056,000 -4.07 -0.66 313,314 993,199 325,604 -41 -100 -100

European results are adjusted to match the format

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