some german news. translate with google if you want.
1) 9.2% of italian energy needs coverd by solar solar in april.
together with water power, wind and geothermanl 40% of italian energy needs were covered by renewables in april.
so much for the discussion if renewables can be the way. I say it is already there.
on 11th may 67% of german energy needs were covered by solar and wind.
15gw solar, 22 gw wind.
prices on energy stock exchange moved to negative during that day...
67% was the top. average over day was 48% of all german energy needs.
3) 418 MW installed in india in march. solar pv and solar thermal. new record.
india becomes a signficant market.
4) rec solar on german subsidy cuts for solar. solar power to stay attractive even with cuts. amortisation will take a bit longer but the overall picture of reducing energy costs with solar will stay the same for private and comps.
subsidy times will come to an end and will not be needed in a not too far future. if we get better storage tech, then we will see solar 2.0 I say.
remember we are at around 30 eurocent energy prices for privates here...
5) german subsidy cuts far from being fixed. states opposing cuts again - seems majority of states will oppose the proposal which then basically means they cant get into law as states will be needed.
we will get what we saw x-times before. a harsh proposal from main gov which will then be softened after consultation with states.
states need renewables for jobs, taxes of comps and so on.
so cuts wont come as harshly as feared.
overall dont underestimate the EU market. we have sky high energy costs and almost no own source of power (like coal, oil, gas). renewables will stay here. the EU market will stay.