I agree odyd. It would "westernize" a lot of pv parks if they had western capital together with chinese pv parks. I think it would be a win win since China wants to build up grid infastructure and get renewables up fast. The chinese companies would then in turn get acess to a lot of capital if share price increased.
Daily News February 2014
Posted 26 February 2014 - 07:39 AM
Posted 26 February 2014 - 09:02 AM
They conclude we are heading for 25$/kg polysilicon prices.
Posted 26 February 2014 - 09:40 AM
Mok is embracing holding to plants model like JKS, but has not much heart for JKS or China, giving a $6B evaluation to SUNE. This the example of America waking up to solar, but staying away from Chinese names (still) on a large scale engagement. I think we have another potential factor to play a role, foreign investment in China. REC is a good example, but think banks, big ones, connecting with top Chinese solar companies to build solar infrastructure in China.
This will be massive when it happens.
Odyd, I totally agree with your view here and have been saying this all along. We need some big institutions to get on our side. This, I believe, is the biggest factor to get our CN solars to the next level. If we just get half the attention that TSLA get, we would be rich. I think it will come as long as CN solars just do their jobs. As someone once said, if you build a good mouse trap, they will beat the path to your door.
Posted 26 February 2014 - 09:46 AM
Why is SOL underperforming if poly is going up? DQ is up >7%.
Posted 26 February 2014 - 09:49 AM
if you build a good mouse trap, they will beat the path to your door.
Slight distinction here as the phrase is "Build a better mousetrap, and the world will beat a path to your door" from Ralph Waldo Emerson. I'm correcting this as the key distinction is the word better. Not all solar make a better mousetrap, as many of them just make standard mousetraps. Few companies like CISQ, SPWR, SUNE have business models and or products where they are making the better mousetrap and have been rewarded accordingly.
Posted 26 February 2014 - 10:29 AM
PLUG receives milestone order from Walmart http://www.marketwat...nk=MW_news_stmp
Posted 26 February 2014 - 10:33 AM
Solar energy is now competitive without subsidies in many countries
The area that we are most excited about for 2014 and beyond is solar. Solar costs have fallen by over 75%, spurring demand growth. Solar is now competitive without subsidies in an increasing number of countries, particularly more emerging economies with structural electricity deficits and high electricity prices from the use of diesel plants. Even in Germany and the UK a consumer can earn 10%+ returns on an installation based on the avoided cost of electricity from the grid.
A number of analysts are forecasting growth of the market to 40-50GW, and we believe these estimates are likely to be revised upwards. Solar companies are now competing against retail electricity costs for the first time; this provides extra support to solar module prices and is likely to be the catalyst for a shift in the way solar is perceived. It is no longer expensive.
Posted 26 February 2014 - 11:47 AM
SolarWorld Invites University Student Scientists to Apply for Prestigious Solar Research Prize
I thought they'd come up with an award for tariff petition letter writing. Solar research for them nowadays, seriously?
Posted 26 February 2014 - 11:52 AM
Posted 26 February 2014 - 10:31 PM
Updated Subsidies
Posted 26 February 2014 - 11:00 PM
"This is the first time the government has provided systematic support over the industry from manufacturing to the downstream,” Wang Xiaoting, a Beijing-based analyst from Bloomberg New Energy Finance, said today by phone. Most top manufacturing companies will benefit"
Posted 26 February 2014 - 11:23 PM
"Gross margins should be higher than 10 percent in the fourth quarter of 2013, according to the statement" Now that is an interesting condition for CDB financing. I wonder what companies aren't going to make the cut...
Posted 27 February 2014 - 04:54 AM
Upbeat from pvexpo in japan:
JA Solar calculates an 80% growth rate for its Japanese business this year, and expects to sell more than 600 MW of modules, the company’s COO Liu Yong said. Trina Solar, meanwhile, is expecting a 50% increase of its Japanese module sales compared to 2013 – a growth rate that represents a 20% share of the company’s total global sales, according to Zhiguo Zhu, Trina Solar’s senior vice president. This year’s show also attracted a number of foreign companies to exhibit for the very first time, such as Vikram Solar of India.
Posted 27 February 2014 - 05:30 AM
Sunpower bargin hunting for Japan projects that are stranded before march / august deadline. I think the critics who where thinking a lot of these projects where not going to see the light of day where wrong.
Posted 27 February 2014 - 05:42 AM
A lot of information, not sure about the accuracy.
1. 2013. 1.7g modules shipped, 2.4g expected in 2014
2. 2013 revenue (very hight number, not sure if it is correct)
3. Market breakdown etc.
Posted 27 February 2014 - 05:55 AM
Sunpower bargin hunting for Japan projects that are stranded before march / august deadline. I think the critics who where thinking a lot of these projects where not going to see the light of day where wrong.
That is what I was alluding to in a prior post. So these stranded projects can be resued apparently by strong players.
Posted 27 February 2014 - 06:03 AM
That is what I was alluding to in a prior post. So these stranded projects can be resued apparently by strong players.
I am curious if CSIQ would have an opportunity there? Last update they doubled Japanese pipeline, having such large share of the market, and now relationship with Hitachi, could be a very lucrative fro the company. Maybe they will keep some of those to explore JKS, SUNE model. It would be interesting to see and should have enough capital to support this model
We talked about Japanese market dilemma of some projects not being started, I am glad that strong players are taking them over.
Posted 27 February 2014 - 06:05 AM
Ahh spiritcraft I see now what you mean. I tought you ment if they would be lost if they did not use them. Ofcourse you can buy the right of it. Sorry for misunderstanding - that was clever thinking on your part
And I agree it is good that strong players can buy these projects. Should put an end to speculation on the Japanese pipeline. I did a study on this earlier and I predicted 80% to connect of METI numberes so thats where my own expections are. Granted it was a very simple study and I just looked at how much was connected before deadlines and this number was around 80%. I also looked at grid and where I saw there would be grid problems, but this number actually compared very well with what projects where actually connected so I did not adjust the number. Realistically I should adjust this downwards some, I do not thnk all of the 6 GW of projects that are not yet finsished will be bough. So perhaps a conservative approach would be to expect 60-80% of METI numbers to actually become finsihed projects.
Posted 27 February 2014 - 06:20 AM
Upbeat from pvexpo in japan:
Nice figures for Japan, I will post in premium thread 2013 figures.
Posted 27 February 2014 - 06:53 AM
That again came from my development and tax credit life. I would often find approved projects that were floundering and "take over" the tax credit award. I guess FITs work the same way.
Ahh spiritcraft I see now what you mean. I tought you ment if they would be lost if they did not use them. Ofcourse you can buy the right of it. Sorry for misunderstanding - that was clever thinking on your part