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Stock Positions: SPWR SOL/1.8 HSOL/1.6 (sold@2.49 PM) JKS/7.25 CSIQ short@12.47 PM/covered1/2@12, 1/2@11.7

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Friday, April 26th 2013, 3:17pm

50% FSLR, 30% SPWR and 20% JKS.



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Friday, April 26th 2013, 3:20pm

If you update your hodlings we can see what stock you are in. It is an easy process on the profile page.



Posts: 585

Date of registration: Apr 25th 2013

Stock Positions: SPWR SOL/1.8 HSOL/1.6 (sold@2.49 PM) JKS/7.25 CSIQ short@12.47 PM/covered1/2@12, 1/2@11.7

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Friday, April 26th 2013, 3:22pm

I just did. Thanks.




Friday, April 26th 2013, 3:40pm

OMG 50% FSLR !

Welcome to the club of the enlighted. Let's keep it growing in SPVI.



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Friday, April 26th 2013, 4:27pm

I am putting stop to OMG

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Friday, April 26th 2013, 4:56pm

JKS was also up 13% but I don't see any pumping for JKS. In fact the chart of JKS resembles CSIQ chart.
I think there is no need (in addition to basically no one holding it here) to pump it. Its PPS over the last several months tells the story. They were all at the same 1Yr low (I mean JKS, TSL and CSIQ) though at different times (JKS much earlier and at the time its market cap was what? around $44-45mil?, insane). Look at them now.



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Saturday, April 27th 2013, 4:50am

I am really curious what Pop got for response on this article. Another very good question is where is that 20% ASP increase coming from? SOL sold modules on average at 0.63, so are we saying they sold outsourced modules at $0.75 in Q1?

I am very cautious about this article. I read some articles in the past, which stated similar claims like one about LDK recently claiming billions of dollars in revenue, profit etc. during general assembly of shareholders in China.

I advise caution, without prejudice


Sorry very busy day just getting around to check board. Very interesting SOL has always responded to me within 24 hours of asking a question, but i have yet to hear from them. Once I get a response I will post immediately here. Even though I own a ton of SOL I agree with odyd to be cautious. But "if" true it will not only benefit SOL but probably spark a crazy rally for the whole sector....

I'm curious if any other large SOL holders have contacted IR about this article. I have written them several times and they have always gotten back to be usually within 24-36 hours. It's now going on 4 business days and haven't heard anything. I'm beginning to think it got leaked and they wanted to release good news at CC in couple weeks. Now they are trying to keep silent. Boss, explo, payback.... Anyone else write IR about profitability article?



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Saturday, April 27th 2013, 5:05am

Hey Pop,

Wow, looks like i"m not the only one up early! Lol

I havent contacted IR, but would be more than happy to. It is odd that they havent replied at all thus far.

That being said, I doubt the article is true.



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Saturday, April 27th 2013, 5:10am

Ha ha.... Haven't gone to bed yet.... Just about to. Owning/running 2 bars has me working until daybreak....



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Saturday, April 27th 2013, 5:38am

Comtech reported a profit for 1'st Quarter. Perhaps we should explore the reason behind Comtech becoming profitable?



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Saturday, April 27th 2013, 6:16am

Hey Pop

No I have not contacted SOL IR. Are they not in silent mode till earnings day ?



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Saturday, April 27th 2013, 6:32am

Somethings up IMO, and someone knows about it.
The more I think about it, I don't think anythings up. More likely one or more of the hedge funds started crunching numbers on their own for the upcoming solar earnings season, and when it came to CSIQ came up with a similar answer as mine...

Not much surprise for Q1 (8%-10% GM guided)

Q2 big turning point...



Posts: 585

Date of registration: Apr 25th 2013

Stock Positions: SPWR SOL/1.8 HSOL/1.6 (sold@2.49 PM) JKS/7.25 CSIQ short@12.47 PM/covered1/2@12, 1/2@11.7

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Saturday, April 27th 2013, 6:34am

JKS was also up 13% but I don't see any pumping for JKS. In fact the chart of JKS resembles CSIQ chart.
I think there is no need (in addition to basically no one holding it here) to pump it.

There are 16 votes for Jinko Solar (as many as YGE) on the poll that requires 3 votes, and as many votes as JKS, FSLR and JASO while 0 votes for YGE, on the poll that requires 1 vote. So it is more likely that nobody is holding YGE than JKS.…en-US&region=US



Posts: 585

Date of registration: Apr 25th 2013

Stock Positions: SPWR SOL/1.8 HSOL/1.6 (sold@2.49 PM) JKS/7.25 CSIQ short@12.47 PM/covered1/2@12, 1/2@11.7

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Saturday, April 27th 2013, 6:40am

Q2 big turning point...

From their 20-F page 78
"we believe that our operating cash flow will improve in 2013 and will be positive. We believe that our forecast is based on reasonable assumptions, including the following: (1) average selling prices will remain relatively stable through the year; (2) cost of raw materials will also remain relatively stable through the year; and (3) our liquidity position will benefit from the cash flows expected to be received from the sale of solar project assets beginning in the second half of 2013;"

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Saturday, April 27th 2013, 10:41am

When checking US-listed index For the Chinese, Canadian Solar has the best recovery score on prices as they were locked in on January 1st, 2011.
In fact the list goes CSIQ, JKS, Yingli, TSL, SOL, (% adjusted for share consolidation)
Out of the list YGE is out of place, but I would venture to say this is the way I see profitability unfold.

Why do you think CSIQ leads this statistic?
I think CSIQ was very vocal about profitability, Trina was as well I did not here anything from SOL, but maybe I have selective hearing.
This article was a summary what I thought was an essence of both calls…solar-investors

I think it is very clear that "We" collectively established here a timeline for profitability. I speculate that CSIQ will be there first (article my postings). Many feel it is SOL which will be the one. However is there a form of wisdom in those results? Perhaps




Saturday, April 27th 2013, 11:03am

There's a rumor going around that FSLR might post a small profit as early as Q1. Anybody heard anything? Too good to be true, but you never know...



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Saturday, April 27th 2013, 11:20am

Stop pushing FSLR on other threads. You have thread for FSLR just for yourself, try to promote her there.




Saturday, April 27th 2013, 11:33am

Oh I thought this was a comparative discussion on PV companies' profitability. Or are we limiting comparative discussions to Chinese companies only?



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Saturday, April 27th 2013, 11:43am

It thought that CSIQ vs. SOL was the subject? Profitability was the factor to compare those two. I used the index to show how SOL and CSIQ fared in it, so my take of this thread is still about CSIQ and SOL and certainly not FSLR.




Saturday, April 27th 2013, 11:47am

Your are right. I saw all the other names and got confused. My bad.

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