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  • "sony1" started this thread

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Wednesday, July 10th 2013, 3:54am

Pvinsights: Module prices down 1% second week in a row

What's going on?



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Wednesday, July 10th 2013, 4:02am

What's going on?

Something like this I think: you went short, stocks went up

On prices: there's a trade case settlement negotiation going on, price setters are going nuts over it, spot markets are surprisingly stable

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Wednesday, July 10th 2013, 6:23am

7/10/2013 - 6th straight week that cells are down, also modules down, poly/multi wafers -1c/flat

Since someone else started a thread about spot prices, I'll keep the weekly report here.

For the 6th straight week cells are down 0.5-0.73%, also modules down nearly 1%, while poly down just 1-2c and multi wafers flat

PV Grade Poly Silicon Price (9N / 9N+) 18.50 16.25 16.630 -0.01 -0.06%
2nd Grade Poly Silicon Price (6N - 8N) 17.50 14.50 16.560 -0.02 -0.12%
Unit: USD/Kg Last Update: 2013-07-10

156 mm Multi Solar Wafer 1.05 0.80 0.844 0 0%
156 mm High Eff Multi Solar Wafer 1.05 0.88 0.946 0 0%
156 mm Mono Solar Wafer 1.35 1.14 1.254 -0.003 -0.24%
125 mm Mono Solar Wafer 0.75 0.63 0.708 -0.003 -0.42%
Unit: USD more Last Update: 2013-07-10

Multi Cell Price Per Watt 0.51 0.35 0.402 -0.002 -0.5%
156 mm Multi Solar Cell 2.25 1.44 1.695 -0.01 -0.59%
156 mm Mono Solar Cell 2.70 1.88 2.268 -0.016 -0.7%
125 mm Mono Solar Cell 1.64 1.10 1.364 -0.01 -0.73%
Unit: USD more Last Update: 2013-07-10

Silicon Solar Module 0.99 0.56 0.717 -0.006 -0.83%
ThinFilm Solar Module 0.94 0.50 0.630 -0.006 -0.94%
Unit: USD / Watt more Last Update: 2013-07-10



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Wednesday, July 10th 2013, 7:22am

I wish you could all see china ASP currently. In the premium report it tells quite the store over past 3 weeks. I'm sure this will leak out sooner or later....

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