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Friday, May 3rd 2013, 10:15am

Someone close to SolarPVInvestor Forums said that 5 tier one Chinese companies will be excluded from tarrifs in the EU, due to purchase agreements on poly with European poly makers.

Talk about speculation versus fact that Klothilde loves.. LOL.
BTW, if this was true, I would not worry about the ones who use European poly. I would worry about the ones who don't and use GCL instead.



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Friday, May 3rd 2013, 10:30am

Found out Hanwha as well. So we got:


One missing...



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Friday, May 3rd 2013, 10:31am

The article which started this discussion posted by Reuters must be the most manipulative junk one can commission.
It has been built on the premise of following statement
""De Gucht is ready to go ahead," said one person close to the decision-making. "The Commission has a very solid case."
This article was printed to ease the short scramble.

Absolutely right ODYD. Shorts are in certain trouble here especially those in TSL and SOL (sorry I can not disclose it). Shorts did not anticipate so fast positive development. I know for sure that shorts are behind this article. Moreover these undervalued Chi10 caused a lot of interest from deep pocket investors who are starting to pile on them.

This day is another example of how rotten the financial markets are today. The day after the whole world can see that the solar shares are about to take off there comes a press-release with speculation on negative outcome with regard to the tariffs. This will be the last thing they can use to cover short positions. Do you really think that Europe will be that stupid to start a trading war with one of there most important trading partners. If they do this they will be protecting an industry that already does not exist anymore in Europe. Merkel already said several times that they are seeking a mutual agreement and Europe has no intention to start a war. Europe can use China in their advantage as the imports will give an opportunity for huge employment potential in the near future.

I think China will already have phoned to Merkel to ask how much orders for airplanes to cancel if they continue with this speculative news.


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Friday, May 3rd 2013, 10:46am

"Someone close to Solarpvinvestor Forum", huh?

My guess is Eisteinh may be the source here....given his REC experience and involvement.



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Friday, May 3rd 2013, 10:58am

Europe already knows that for a commodity product like a solar panel you can never compete with China. The added value is the advise & installation.

It will be like saying Lets put tariffs on LCD tv screens from China as we we want to support local production in the EU.

Europe has a unique opportunity to get less oil dependant by transforming nations to more solar driven energy resources against low costs. You must be crazy to make this transfer more expensive than necessary;stop the only growth industry and start at the same time a trade war with a partner that you need to get through the recession. Next to this you will lose an incredible amout of jobs already related to the installing industry.

On the other hand it could be more important to save Solarworld instead.




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Friday, May 3rd 2013, 11:39am

Nothing written by Barrons, Forbes or even Reuters if they are quoting Barrons or Forbes is necessarily truthful. The writers always put out articles when HedgeFunds are trying to get a stock to go down. The stock price usually goes up or recovers soon the article and the truth is revealed. It is just scare techniques. I have other stocks other than solar they play this game not to be taken seriously.



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Friday, May 3rd 2013, 12:42pm

TSL Wacker contract

This is the agreement between Trina and Wacker, 6 years from 2009, so all the way till 2015 at least, but only for 150MW in total. I wonder how they would reflect the size of poly contracts into tariffs if any.…9648&highlight=



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Friday, May 3rd 2013, 1:01pm

I wonder how they would reflect the size of poly contracts into tariffs if any.

What? They won't, of course.



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Friday, May 3rd 2013, 1:18pm

not so easy guys. Trading war is just at the very beginning. China also needs EU to sell her goods. It is a just matter of a right balance. a major reason of a current crisis can not be solved with printing money. A reason is a growing imbalance between income and spending. Imbalance is over 25% now and its growing. Printing money can partially offset/delay this problem but can not solve it. China needs also EU and USA for buying modern technologies and sophisticated goods such as aircrafts, ships, etc. EU is also under US pressure. Probably EU will impose tariffs but they are going to be tolerable. Politicians always too late to the party, they start to act when event happened.



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Friday, May 3rd 2013, 2:13pm

This is the agreement between Trina and Wacker, 6 years from 2009, so all the way till 2015 at least, but only for 150MW in total. I wonder how they would reflect the size of poly contracts into tariffs if any.

Don't you know? They are going to track and label every gram of poly they use so they can track and label it throughout the downstream process. I figured that should add about 10% in additional costs in tracking every gram of poly through every wafer, then every cell and then every module. LOL

And yes I'm partly joking of course as I don't see this idea working very well.



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Friday, May 3rd 2013, 2:51pm

Then each company would buy very little poly from Wacker, and export as much as they want.



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Friday, May 3rd 2013, 4:44pm

"Someone close to Solarpvinvestor Forum", huh?

My guess is Eisteinh may be the source here....given his REC experience and involvement.

Huh? I have been very busy with the general assembly of REC and can say I have been no such source.I am sure odyd12 can attest to that.



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Sunday, May 5th 2013, 1:46am

Oh My Goodness !!!

Guess who picked up the Reuters story?



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Sunday, May 5th 2013, 1:57am

I like the Forbes article.



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Sunday, May 5th 2013, 3:49am

Yes, the forbes article is good. Around five years ago or so politicians seemed to start and forget that the objective of subsidizing renewable energy installation was about energy and climate. As the economy got bad they suddenly thought the objective of everything was employment. When things get bad people start to fight over was they think is critical and right now people and politicians are severly confused and push the world to global war. Thank god it is only a trade war, they seem to have forgotten the historical role of trade in economical development, so now that they in their confusion has redefined an original objective, they in even greater confusing are curbing that new objective by losing sight also of what are the effiective means. Soon the confusion is total and war becomes the only objective and means any. I hope they take a minute or two to use their brains and negotiate a peace and find original objectives and effective means again.



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Sunday, May 5th 2013, 7:14am

Article from FInancial TImes…l#axzz2SQKJF8ec



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Sunday, May 5th 2013, 10:22am

From that article there seems to be some tariff differentiation among the companies. I hope the rumor odyd referred to is right, does your source have any connections giving it some credibility odyd?



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Sunday, May 5th 2013, 10:55am

If Tier 1s with poly sourcing contracts from Europe get exempted than imho that overturns the conventional wisdom of this board that tariffs are sweet for SOL and horrible for everybody else.

All of a sudden tariffs are sweet for TSL, YGE, JASO, HSOL, and an unknown 5th, and horrible for everyone else. The tariff free 5 (Let's call them Solar 5) will benefit immensely imho since a large share of European business right now goes to Tier 2 and Tier 3 who would be instantly wiped out (no financial possibility to establish outsourcing for Europe). The cost advantage of the Solar 5 relative to tariffed peers could be >10 cents imho, 4-5 cents because no expensive Taiwan cell tolling is required, and 5-6 cents because they don't have to go through expensive non-Chi module tolling.



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Sunday, May 5th 2013, 11:09am

All of a sudden tariffs are sweet for TSL, YGE, JASO, HSOL, and an unknown 5th, and horrible for everyone else. The tariff free 5

What makes you think those 4 are the ones that would be part the speculative tariff free 5?

I would imagine Wacker sells to most Chinese poly consumers of significance.

In case you are wondering about SOL. Wacker and OCi were their top 2 suppliers at latest disclosure in 2011 20-F.

To me it would seems more fair to get to export in proportion to your imports. Wacker poly would be in high demand.



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Sunday, May 5th 2013, 11:21am

From that article there seems to be some tariff differentiation among the companies
Can you quote 100 words of the text referring to it.

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