Date of registration: Jan 28th 2013
Stock Positions: CSIQ 20% SOL 15% JASO 10% JKS 10% SPWR 10% HSOL 10% TSL 10% (WFR+SCTY+GTAT+FSLR) 15%
Thanks: 25
Anyone who would like to pay money for LDK's equity is good news for LDK considering it has negative equity now and it increases its chance for survival.Yes, the trading doesn't make sense. If you think it will survive then the 15% diliution should take the stock lower. If you think it is dying then 25m infusion makes no difference and the stock should not trade at these levels at all.
A big portion of the capacity LDK left at Hefei is cell capacity. Any domestic cell capacity represents certain risk when the tariff decision from Europe is still unclear. Anyone who wants to take over the capacity also need to take over the debt. So I would assume cash-hungered JKS won't do it. JASO already has too much domestically produced cell and would be reluctant to increase its exposure.Thanks. Yes, I suspected the JASO entry commitment to Hefei and the LDK exit from Hefei would make for a natural transfer of capacity. What's the angle with JKS (can see that they need to add capacity at some point) and TSL (don't see them with big need to add capacity and I'm not seeing them wanting to have a plant in Hefei)?
No surprise that JKS and TSL refuse. JASO might want a good deal first. It's a chance to get away with less than the RMB 13.5b they committed to invest in Hefei.
Thank you Josh, seems to be that nobody wants this, as I mentioned before. It also appears that city does not want to break into solar industry on its own any time soon. Explo I am still seeing you say that JA has some sort of death agreement to build in there. You do not believe this uneconomical and unnecessary move can be aborted? In mho those MOUs are all flush down the toilet long time ago.
I think I did not understand the persistence you apply yourself with to prove above. I get what is says in the 20-F. The statement above does not sounds that you said they were done. I was saying they were done. What is built is built but nothing close to 3GW even remotely.It doesn't sound like Hefei have let this pass. The original timeline is obviously revised and the original cost projection might not apply, but Hefei still expects JA to place their expansion there,
Now this sounds different. I have no problem with evolving points, but this moving argument is clearly not going to allow conclusion, if the position changes every time.I haven't said they'll finish it.
I was saying they were done.
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