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  • "cfeng" started this thread

Posts: 577

Date of registration: Apr 25th 2013

Stock Positions: SPWR SOL/1.8 HSOL/1.6 JKS/7.25 CSIQ/8.4(sold 1/2 @10.4, sold rest @11.3)

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Wednesday, June 26th 2013, 6:12am

06/26/2013 - For 4rd Week In A Row Poly Prices Up, Cell Prices Down

poly up, multi wafers up, cells down, modules down

PV Grade Poly Silicon Price (9N / 9N+) 18.50 16.25 16.640 0.01 0.06%
2nd Grade Poly Silicon Price (6N - 8N) 17.50 14.50 16.580 0.03 0.18%

156 mm Multi Solar Wafer 1.05 0.80 0.843 0.001 0.12%
156 mm High Eff Multi Solar Wafer 1.05 0.88 0.945 0.002 0.21%
156 mm Mono Solar Wafer 1.35 1.16 1.262 -0.003 -0.24%
125 mm Mono Solar Wafer 0.75 0.64 0.711 -0.003 -0.42%

Multi Cell Price Per Watt 0.52 0.35 0.409 -0.001 -0.24%
156 mm Multi Solar Cell 2.30 1.44 1.730 -0.004 -0.23%
156 mm Mono Solar Cell 2.75 1.88 2.311 -0.008 -0.34%
125 mm Mono Solar Cell 1.67 1.10 1.391 -0.006 -0.43%

Silicon Solar Module 0.99 0.60 0.731 -0.002 -0.27%
ThinFilm Solar Module 0.94 0.54 0.644 -0.003 -0.46%

This post has been edited 2 times, last edit by "cfeng" (Jun 26th 2013, 7:01am)



  • "cfeng" started this thread

Posts: 577

Date of registration: Apr 25th 2013

Stock Positions: SPWR SOL/1.8 HSOL/1.6 JKS/7.25 CSIQ/8.4(sold 1/2 @10.4, sold rest @11.3)

Thanks: 26

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Wednesday, June 26th 2013, 7:02am

Despite cell and module price drop, upstream solar component pricing is still on the rise

Chinese polysilicon players continue pushing up their prices this week in expectation of an overall polysilicon price level increase when the Chinese government announces the ruling of its polysilicon antidumping case. Solar players in China are expecting an Aug ruling announcement after the EU and China finish their 2 months negotiation from Jun.



Posts: 6

Date of registration: Apr 18th 2013

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Wednesday, June 26th 2013, 8:26am

hi cfeng,

theres a passwort request for that link...



  • "cfeng" started this thread

Posts: 577

Date of registration: Apr 25th 2013

Stock Positions: SPWR SOL/1.8 HSOL/1.6 JKS/7.25 CSIQ/8.4(sold 1/2 @10.4, sold rest @11.3)

Thanks: 26

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Wednesday, June 26th 2013, 8:34am

It's free and very easy to create an account. I would post the whole thing but odyd allows only 100 words.



Posts: 447

Date of registration: Dec 9th 2012

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Wednesday, June 26th 2013, 8:36am

Probably silicon prices are up because of expected chinese tariff on polysilicon. Other possible answer is simple that demand is higher than supply. (or the fact producers are tired of selling at a loss)

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