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  • "odyd12" started this thread

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Tuesday, November 27th 2012, 10:09pm

Another company having factory outside of China

I like to see my predictions to take on life. We have a second company now Sunergy to have 100MW of cell and module processing in Istanbul, Turkey from Shanghai. This is really cool. I read interview with Xianshou, from ReneSola, and they talk about factory in Europe. Everyone is doing EPC, second to get global. I have a feeling things are about to turn the corner.



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Thursday, January 17th 2013, 6:21am

Starting production in Turkey this month:…/#axzz2IErB2Jn0



Posts: 410

Date of registration: Dec 11th 2012

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Thursday, January 17th 2013, 6:57am

Slightly relevant... I really wish that we would not have been so "knee Jerk" here in the US and appealed to Chi-Solars to bring some manufacturing presence here rather than imposing penalties. It would have been such a win-win to offer incentives to have some kind of plant here. I remember Nevada enticing APWR to open a shop there for gods sake. We need thoughtful and brave long sightedness rather than a reactionary fighting mentality.

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