Sunny I want to express gratitude for your relentless pursuit of information and enhancing this board's value, with unbiased, cool approach. Glad to have you on board.
In your view, this organization will purchase assets in distress, take a loss on it and resell to other companies, consolidators at prices below market value. Will they buy well operated assets as well?
Odyd, thanks first go to you for the creation of this site which made everything possible. Many members have made contributions to make it successful and I'm just happy to be part of this effort which is meaningful in many ways beyond just personal investment.
While it's still too early to see what will unfold in the future, I can think of the following:
(1) GCL will pursue consolidation of poly manufacturing by acquiring distressed assets when it makes sense for them;
(2) Work with leading cell/module producers to streamline the value chain and drive standardization of manufacturing processes and
PV products quality. This should help CN listed to grow either organically or through M&A since lower tier producers further lose
ability to compete.
(3) Help to establish a mature project sales market by purchasing projects from the likes of TSL and JASO.
(4) Establish a new platform for banks, funds, and institutions to finance the downstream projects, as previously mentioned.