Explo , JASO have entire cell capacity with makes no sense in the US. Is this why it produces at 50% rate or less?, why is their module factories produce at 70% only? I find it academic discussing why someone spends 1% of their GM on Taiwanese cells, while there are companies with capacity utilization issues hitting 50% idle. One thing coming to mind is an expensive production lines. You said that purchase of wafer from Jinglong was state of the art? Where did you get this idea? You also say you love their low processing cost. Where do you see it, as I see nothing of this kind and I probably again proven just to my self that selling assets boosted their GM in Q3.
The plant was built in 2005, and as soon as it was sold to JA, Jinglong margins became much improved on wafer processing. They never added any capacity, so that tells me the plant was a "drag". Is it possible there is a drag in JASO lines as recently admitted on 300MW retired capacity.
Does it not seem strange that company is talking about expanding, but cannot sell current capacity? It does not if you accept that their machinery is old. GM is weaken by it and they only produce what makes them gross profit. The other three (cos) have no such issues.
It clearly makes sense that they are cashing on every share, as what they are holding is not doing them the favor. So expanding in this case is replacing, very expensive proposition and quite complex.
I think this is a lot more reasonable to understand stock under this light. I hope it will works out, but in order to do it it is not Q4, but Q4 2014, where things may be fully harvesting value, while right now sounds a bit as smoke and mirror.