This forum has a hierarchy of participation,
Guests, those who have no id and password, are able to read titles of forums and some topics
Registered Users, are everyone who were migrated from the old site and did not pick a package free or paid yet. They have access to read all the forum titles and topic titles, they also have access to read a lot more posts. Some are not accessible. They have no ability to post but two threads Forum Admin and REC Group.
None above have PM system
Then we have Premium Members all posts, topics, attachments etc are there for them to use. They have full PM access.
Lastly there are two forums for buyers. I will post discount codes for buyers, so they can take cost of membership as value of $10 from the purchase starting August. August package you will find the secret password to access particular forum. Those who buy $140.00 will have access to both. The good news is that those forums have unrestricted info and attachments in there. So you can see all passed posts by buying one new report. The bad news is that after new report comes out new password will be issued and you have no access without the purchase of the new report.
Those Are only accessible by Premium Members as well, therefore giving someone password without their membership being on a certain level will not work.
I will keep Registered Users format and no forcing to buy membership, but limitations are explained above.