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#1 odyd



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Posted 13 July 2013 - 01:57 PM

Currently SPVI articles are indexed under the Google News (all) and Google Finance (some). I am hoping to attract value content to the site by using already great resources and gathering of minds we have here. If you interested to offer your views to greater community than just solar forums here, perhaps you will be interested.

This is my proposal to add a bit more value to already good value offered here.
Anyone who is interested to become a contributor for SPVI can submit his/hers interest by using this form , subject "SPVI Contributor"

Upon an interest, we will provide you with the access to the site, where you can submit articles. Articles must contain at least one US-listed solar company (must be noted in the article using Google Finance ticket system), but can include all variety of topics: technology, markets, and operations, global, local and any other background.

The SPVI will offer professional proofread for articles which will be accepted for publication by the committee consisting of long-term members. The material will be reviewed for accuracy and facts. Links, to support statements/facts will be
required. Articles will be reviewed with 24 hours of submission.

Normally our articles have on average around 500 to 1000 unique views, (as per Google analytics). SPVI will offer $15 CAD per 500 unique visitors for published article. This will be based on 30 days running from the date of the publication. The committee will confirm the statistics and update authors using Google analytics. Article size maximum 1200 words (without charts, tables etc.). Article can be longer, but the additional cost of the proofread will be shared above the limit of words. Normally it costs $1 per 100 words, so 1500 words article will cost additional $3.00. If the article like that has minimum 500 unique views we will deduct the $3.00 from the payout. Payment is made for 500 unique views or more. No payments are made below 500 unique views. each 100 views pay additional $3.00. This is CAD $.

The author is required to have first and last name (it does not have to be a real name but encouraged). There will be a disclosure requirement on stock ownership. Articles need to be original and cannot appear in any other publication. Payments would be made by PayPal.

I am looking for you feedback.

#2 eysteinh



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Posted 13 July 2013 - 02:06 PM

I think it is an brilliant idea. There are some very talented people here and I think this can be a stepping stone for some of them to be "discovered." For example for going onwards to writing for solar magazines. (Perhaps in the future you will have your own?) All it takes is one good article. While I dont like the 30 day income rule, I understand and still think this is much better than writing on seekingalpha for example. Especially providing proof reading I think can make people with good ideas - but bad communication - really shine here. I think this can become a win-win situation both for the writers and for you odyd12 as provider.

To sum up: I support this idea very much and I think you could be on to something big here.
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#3 odyd



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Posted 13 July 2013 - 02:16 PM

thank you for the feedback. the 30 days rule is basically the amount of the time article can logically be within the focus.
It takes also costs away from running total 5 years down the road. Simply I do not have resources, but whatever I make here I want to put back to work for the community.

#4 odyd



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Posted 13 July 2013 - 09:45 PM

I have created a platform for submission of articles. I learned a bit of the limitation on current CMS. But we are ready. I have three long term members commit to become a review panel for articles. I hope that rules are simple enough.
Explo, Eystein, Littleguy, Nano and others SPVI needs your knowledge to create new value content.
SPVI will finance the proof read and edit.
Let us know by submitting your interest.

#5 nanofrogfish_spf



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Posted 14 July 2013 - 06:13 AM

I think this is a great opportunity for members to get their views and opinions out to the rest of the world. Don't think you have to be a super-writer to do this. It just takes a little time to make sure the facts are accurate (A Motley Idiot article would never make it here), and they will be proofread and reviewed so their is no concern on looking like an amateur writer based on writing ability alone. And it can be on any solar related topic.

I think July might be interested in an article on JASO, and many others who, believe me, have much more knowledge and insight than the majority of garbage that's published out there...

I will be considering it myself, and I hope that others will join me.
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#6 odyd



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Posted 14 July 2013 - 08:10 AM

Further to rules, I mentioned that article which has less than 500 unique views will not generate payment. If that is the case we will add all under the 500 unique page views together (if payment is not earned on results of power of one article)
to generate payment, but these articles will be no longer eligible for calculation.

Examples of payments :
Period of calendar 30 days. June 14th publication time ends July 14.
Single article : 500 unique views= $15 CAD, each subsequent 100 pays $3. so
600 or more =$15+3,
700 or more =$15+3+3

Combined payment:

380 views in 30 days
480 views in 30 days
total views 860, payment of $15 plus $9 will be issued.

Thanks for the interest Nano, looking forward to it.

#7 JulyWebb



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Posted 14 July 2013 - 09:48 AM

This sounds interesting Odyd and Nano and will provide a better analagy I believe to the investing public.
Who does the proofreading?
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#8 odyd



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Posted 14 July 2013 - 09:51 AM

Lady who is employed by SPVI in the capacity of the Senior Editor, Stephanie.
You can see menu link title "SPVI Author" I still have to edit that text.

#9 odyd



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Posted 14 July 2013 - 10:48 AM

Invitation on the site

I am struggling with the ability to show the results in independent format "GA to User". It will have to be verified by committee for now.

#10 odyd



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Posted 10 August 2013 - 06:50 AM

We started a topic which is dear to me. How can we move this forum to a main stream. Thanks for the ideas but I do have a recipe. Let me tell you the story. In June 1012 SPVI qualified for Google News. Since, our articles  frequently appear in Google Finance. During July 2013 SPVI published around 18 articles. in August we published 27 or so. During 2013 July we published 5 and 2 in August. Our visitor count was 8K, 12K and 5K in July 2012, August 2012, July 2013. So articles bring visitors. I can tell you this is the best time SPVI has financially, thanks to all your paid members and report buyers. Seeing this I can carry on with this enterprise. I hope we will grow membership. We have an opportunity here and sit on the gold mine. Think SA, content written by strangers, edited by strangers. Put on the front of Yahoo Finance. We have probably 70 plus experts one way or another to share own view on their stock ownership. If 28 articles brought 12K people to read them, what you think 100 articles would do? 

Ok, not everyone is a good writer, myself included. This is why I pay a professional to edit my articles, you see what I type here, money well spent. 

We have Explo, Nano, who are very active, Eystein who aspires to write if we did 5 articles a week the message is out there. I know this is not about money, but doing it for fun and joining this SPVI Author format would make a huge difference to our mission.  SPVI offers $15 per 500 views, SA offers $10 per 1000, since they have a lot of views but think about opportunity? I never got a dime because I publish on SPVI  the same piece and my premium articles (2) have not earned $100 in total, this is when they pay out. You can earn membership free and maybe even pay with it for the future reports.

Articles are recipe for traffic. We have the avenue Google News


#11 odyd



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Posted 10 August 2013 - 06:59 AM

If we have 5 to 6 people write a solar article a week, or even every two weeks. We can get the content out there.  That is 20 to 30 articles a month. Do you think we have more expert knowledge? Of course we do. We also move those pieces through ethic /expert committee so the content has high value and only facts form base of the opinion. I call upon you to look at this. You can PM me. I asked for first, and last name, but if you want alias names is good too. I see at least 10 people here who's content is great to read perhaps more if I paid a lot more attention keeping article writing in mind. Step forward and let's make the difference together. 

#12 pg6solar



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Posted 10 August 2013 - 07:03 AM

With above in mind, if we could only persuade hobo to join...

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#13 odyd



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Posted 10 August 2013 - 07:11 AM

On the topic of Hobo. I have made at least three attempts in 2011 to have him come. He had never shown interest and in fact said he was satisfied with posting on SA. I have no problem to recruit writers from SA, if they would be interested, he was not.

#14 odyd



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Posted 10 August 2013 - 07:21 AM

This is the link to a program. 


#15 pg6solar



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Posted 10 August 2013 - 07:51 AM

On the topic of Hobo. I have made at least three attempts in 2011 to have him come. He had never shown interest and in fact said he was satisfied with posting on SA. I have no problem to recruit writers from SA, if they would be interested, he was not.

I remember that, Odyd. SPVI now is a lot more than it was then. He did not post anything on SA in a year. And Yahoo is a zoo. No, let me rephrase it: its a ZOO. He has a wealth of info and is a very good writer and would help a lot on this issue. Its just odd that he gave up on that.

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#16 odyd



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Posted 10 August 2013 - 08:39 AM

I do not have an opinion on the reason why he stopped. I also understand we are a lot more than we were then. I sent him a message on his SA account. I doubt he will reply. I also asked another writer to consider exclusive writing for us. I am waiting for a reply, of course if I get one.   

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