Thursday, 17 April 2014
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CEDR February 2014 CEDR February 2014

CEDR February 2014 Package:

  • Module, cell and wafer Average Declaration Price (GADP) by country for US-listed companies
  • Module, cells and wafer deliveries by country and company in MW
  • Watt efficiency averages for selected US listed companies
  • Imported polysilicon by volume including source country and a price
  • January 2013 Taiwanese cell and module exports in MW by destination, including average price
  • China weekly ASP for polysilicon, wafer, cell and module, during the month of March 2014
  • Exclusive commentary  in 16 pages PDF format with charts and graphs including Q4 and details for 8 US-listed Chinese companies

CEDR January 2014 CEDR January 2014

CEDR January 2014 Package:

  • Module, cell and wafer Average Declaration Price (GADP) by country for US-listed companies
  • Module, cells and wafer deliveries by country and company in MW
  • Watt efficiency averages for selected US listed companies
  • Imported polysilicon by volume including source country and a price
  • December 2013 Taiwanese cell and module exports in MW by destination, including average price
  • China weekly ASP for polysilicon, wafer, cell and module, during the month of February 2014
  • Exclusive commentary  in 31 pages PDF format with charts and graphs including Q3 and Q4 data and details for 8 US-listed Chinese companies

CEDR December 2013 CEDR December 2013

CEDR December 2013 Package:

  • Module, cell and wafer Average Declaration Price (GADP) by country for US-listed companies
  • Module, cells and wafer deliveries by country and company in MW
  • Watt efficiency averages for selected US listed companies
  • Imported polysilicon by volume including source country and a price
  • November Taiwanese cell and module exports in MW by destination, including average price
  • China weekly ASP for polysilicon, wafer, cell and module, during the month of January 2014
  • Exclusive commentary  in 32 pages PDF format with charts and graphs including Q2 and Q3 data and details for 8 US-listed Chinese companies

CEDR November 2013 CEDR November 2013

Excel format includes:China weekly ASP for polysilicon, wafer, cell and module, during a month of December 2013. Global Average Declaration Price by countries and companies. Cells and wafer deliveries by US-listed. Watt efficiency averages for selected US-listed. Imported Polysilicon, average price, source and the buying Company/Group July to November. Taiwanese cell and Module Exports, MW destination, average price July to October. 34 Page PDF charts, graphs and commentary

CEDR October 2013 CEDR October 2013

China weekly ASP for polysilicon, wafer, cell and module, during a month of October 2013. Global Average Declaration Price by countries and companies. Cells and wafer deliveries. Watt efficiency averages for selected US-listed. 34 Page SPVI ED Report for the month of October, Q2, Q3 Data and month-over-month comments.  


CEDR September 2013 CEDR September 2013

China weekly ASP for polysilicon, wafer, cell and module, during a month of October 2013. Global Average Declaration Price by countries and companies. Cells and wafer deliveries by US-listed. Watt efficiency averages for selected US-listed. 33 Page CEDR Report for month of September


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