" China Export Data Report ( CEDR ) - is the most complete collection of data on solar exports from China and Taiwan. Maximum value for a minimum price."

CEDR report covers following:

      • Deliveries by country and volume in MW, currently 73 countries identified, specifically for US-listed companies 
      • 34 Chinese corporations included in the report. Taiwanese cell and module exports by destination, volume (pieces) and dollar value, measured in MW 
      • Chinese customs declared prices by company and destination for module, cell and wafer 
      • Polysilicon volume imports by a company and sourcing country 
      • Mainland China’s quotation price 
      • Color charts and price graphs

 Sample views:

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Currently available reports

for industry purchase contact  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.





















Each report has specific information on 8 leading Chinese, US-listed public companies, including results for prior quarters. 

Package contains data in Excel format, in addition to PDF document. 

The research is conducted by Dr. Jason Tsai, Senior Director of SPVI Research, Inc. 

Prior to SPVInvestor Research Inc, Dr. Tsai headed research at Solarzoom China. 

Monthly Information Filters: 

Top 10 companies in selected markets  

delivering every month to the EU, USA, Japan, Australia. 

Watt efficiency 

for total deliveries (per module) for US-listed companies,  

Continental distribution  

breakdown by Europe, North America, Asia, Australia, South America, Africa, 

Top 10 countries 

largest destinations for exported modules

Top 10 companies 

Global Market Share 

between the US-listed Chinese companies and Mainland companies. 

Minimum 30 companies per report and 25 countries break-down 

Who can benefit from this information? 

Investors in the Chinese public companies listed in the US 

can use this information to track global business of their preferred stocks.  Reports are already used by Industry professionals, managers, distributors, analysts, solar companies.  For a sample report please contact  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  

For technical assistance with downloads please contact  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  

 Notice to CEDR Buyers. 

Due to accumulative nature of PDF commentary reflecting on the total figures for the quarter, prices for second and third month of the quarter will increase.  Regular buyers will find in the first and the second month of each quarter a coupon entitling them to purchase incoming report using a discount, keeping the price at $122. Those who buy only occasionally can purchase accumulative information at prices below. Excel data files will be added accordingly. 


      • $122 for a first monthOne commentary, first month Excel data set, will include coupon to reduce second month price to $122
      • $244 for a second month: One commentary,first month and second month separate Excel data sets, will include coupon to reduce third month to $122
      • $366 for a third month: One commentary, first,  second, third month separate Excel data sets.