I’ve got a really big smile on my face right now.

The reaction (or rather lack thereof) to the whopping almost 5% spike down in poly prices over the last week, was very interesting to say the least.
Poly goes up a half a %, and there’s endless posts after posts of Spiking and Surging and To-the-Moon dreams that only a couple companies would benefit from, at the detriment to all the others of course. But when it goes down 10- imes that much...well you could hear a pin drop...even though this is a HUGE positive to most companies. I wonder why that is? But now of course it’s all about something else...
I never for one minute believed that any part of the solar value chain would increase that significantly...now or ever...the overall market dynamics just will not support this.
One company was promoted relentlessly...while bashing all others. One person stood up to them and slowly, but surely, has been proved 100% right to this point...all because of his factual approach to the overall market dynamic, especially in China (not just trying to extrapolate micro-calcs, whether they are accurate or not, to an entire industry dynamic). And due to the factual approach to the individual companies performances and manufacturing capabilities. And there’s no doubt in my mind, or I’m sure anyone else’s on this board, that he is the most knowledgeable poster on this forum when it comes to the overall global and dynamic solar industry.
Of course I’m talking about Odyd. My personal thanks to you Odyd for all the time you spend separating fact from fiction, and for sharing that with the rest of us...
I hope in the future solar investors on these boards will think twice before blindly drinking the super-sweet pumpers’ kool-aid, especially when it flies straight in the face of what Odyd sees is really happening inside the industry...and especially in China.
So why the big smile?

...primarily because Odyd is being vindicated again, but also because at this point it still looks to me like I've placed my bet on the right horse...
And please don’t get me wrong...I think many of the 12 will do well...it’s just that the expectations of what was to come far exceeded the reality of the present market dynamics...
All IMHO of course...