Photon, I am not sure what you are telling me below. I am not sure if I am satisfied with your view of responsibility I have, but I am willing to explore this if you can explain it to me please.
Is on you to make this site more than input from experts and those who are "experts", as sources of relevant information. I can contribute. Do you understand this site's potential?
You are on the site, you are welcome to contribute, but I am confused? You are not happy with the site, it does not meet your expectations?
Sorry, I may not be all that familiar how to make posts on this site,but I do feel that that the average Joe can contribute to the transfer of knowledge from country to country...around the globe. Isn't this the site that Odyd has created? I will learn,despite my lack of computer abilities, but I thought I would be important for all to hear what Canada, part of the G7, has been contemplating.
I understand you cannot post the link, and I appreciate you want to learn it. There is explanation on the site how to post, using help link.
I am not the best with technology, so I don't know how post links and such with video. I have tried several times to no avail, but hope you can capture the CBC news story on renewables. Canada is onboard. Odyd, just facilitate the sharing of info....Any info.
I am Canadian, Photon, thanks for pointing out Canada is on board. Many Chinese stock investors are Chinese Canadians or Canadians like myself. One note, I facilitate by providing the place. Participants are expected to deliver the point of views and yes use the technology of this board to share it. If you are looking for something more than that you must be more specific.
Thank you