I'm talking about 50% retracement in terms of losing 50% gain. SOL's bottom was 1.08 while top 2.80 i.e. 2.80-1.08=1.72; 1.72/2=0.86; 2.80-0.86=1.94 is the very (theoretical - TA classical) bottom for SOL retracement. JMHO: traders know this stuff and ready to pick up in there, that is why no stocks won't be allowed to reach this threshold i.e.. the stocks will start ramping up from higher level (for example from a current one). Being experienced in these games I bought back today a nice portion of SOL in 2.11-2.14 and SPWR in 10.8-10.85 ranges.
Sol may be down below 2 for options expiration. That would be very typical.
This post has been edited 3 times, last edit by "Pop2mollys" (Yesterday, 1:24pm)
It's all about Guilt by Association, end of cheering for STP's going BK.
Thinnly traded DS swung from loss of 4% to gain of 8.72%, CSUN lost 12.42% and HSOL lost 17.76% in one day.
People have fears all the time, people get confused all the time when it comes to stocks, nobody learns from history, people want to beat people even on very short-term tradings. Why? It's really not just on stocks, we've seen what happend to Greece when they were threaten by their debts, they jumped on the PIGS (or PIIGS) and slaughtered their financials. Maybe there should be some sort of austerity measures for the Chinese Solars as well, selling assets, threatening bond holders for cuts. Without clear picture what's going to happen to the Solars, one can only gamble on Black or Red one day at a time if that's interesting for people who love to live on edges.
Still we haven't heard about earnings release dates from CSUN and LDK, HSOL is the on on deck for Monday, don't know if anyone leaked a thing today. ps, Question. Why did JKS give rosy pictures while they couldn't even announce their earnings date? They normally did that 2 weeks ahead of report, I think. Without doing that, they're still capable of giving warnings. I'm not saying they will and I don't think they will either, but they're capable of doing it.
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