Yes, pretty weird... It was quite good but short. I thought that this was the article I read the other day that discussed BOS costs but I guess not upon reading it again. I can't find that one now but it was an eye opener. The reporter had quotes from analysts and industry experts that were saying that with a decent but not huge reduction in BOS costs, module prices could rise 25% and global demand would still explode. That is how close we are to 10's of GW per year in the desert SW alone.
We always focus on pennies in therm of module ASP's when the is enough fluff in BOS costs to make our favorite companies solidly profitable while spurring huge global growth. I wish I could find this article but there was a nice breakdown of BOS costs in a few markets like Germany vs the US with the US being double. The gist of it was that a 0.75c per watt reduction in BOS costs could make solar module makers profitable while taking us to a 100GW per year global demand scenario. These numbers are from memory but the deal was that BOS costs are what stands in the way of module maker profitability and that global PV energy revolution... we are that close.
If I find that article, I will post it.