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  • "nanofrogfish_spf" started this thread

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Yesterday, 5:49pm

CSIQ in Tanzania

After reading about the 85kW sales agreement in Tanzania, I was going to add it to my spreadsheet, but then realized my decimal places didn’t go out that It's worth noting that there's a CSSKY joint venture office in Nairobi, which borders Tanzania.

It was interesting that their modules for these off-grid projects ranged from 15W to 90W. A 15W module??? What are they charging? A triple-A battery?

I checked their website, and could only find their Andes DC Solar Home Off-Grid System, which comes in 20W, 30W and 45W sizes (actually pretty cool little systems...this is the data sheet ).

So let’s say their average system is 50W, and they will now have shipped 350kW worth...that’s about 7000 systems. And that means 7000 families in Tanzania now have electricity for probably the first time in their lives...even if it’s just to power a small light at night or a small radio...or maybe even something a water pump.

I’ve said this before, there is a huge global off-grid market. Bringing point of use power to people everywhere, regardless of how isolated they are. And with this will come demand for electrical devices...and this will help growth and prosperity in developing nations, and will significantly better the overall human condition without polluting our planet to do so.

  • "nanofrogfish_spf" started this thread

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Yesterday, 6:10pm

speaking of Skypower, I just noticed they added 3-more global offices (27 total now), although they aren't in the CSSKY target areas of SA, Africa and the Middle East. But CSIQ could benefit from module supply agreements nonetheless...a nice partner to be in bed with...



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Yesterday, 7:24pm

...a nice partner to be in bed with...

The question is who fu*** who.



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Yesterday, 7:44pm

The question is who fu*** who.

As long as everyone has a smile on their face, who cares? :)

Tanzania? Who among us thought we would be talking about that market a year or two ago. Things are changing fast.

  • "nanofrogfish_spf" started this thread

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Today, 5:19am

Tanzania? Who among us thought we would be talking about that market a year or two ago. Things are changing fast.
No doubt! This supports the following statement from an article in REW, which I've posted before;

Jigar Shah, partner at Inerjys Ventures, says this will continue and predicts “robust” global job growth in the solar industry in 2013. “The volumes are going to go up substantially next year,” Shah said. “The pricing signals that were provided this year were so low, that there’s at least 40 or 50 countries in the world who haven’t done a lot of solar who are earnestly looking at awarding contracts in the first quarter of next year and having construction completed by the end of 2013. You’re starting to see an extraordinary proliferation of solar based on the pricing that was indicated by manufacturers in 2012.”

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