SPWR said they have lowered their costs by 25%, in 2012 from 2011. This means that they have not reached their objective of 0.75 per (adjusted for efficiency) I think this is about 0.80 per watt. This is about 14% higher than REC Solar. Their module efficiency of 23% and the technology (copper based cells with 4.2g of poly per watt) is pretty exciting.
I think their efficiency adjustment should be at least in the order of 25 cents and I think I've seen numbers confirming that before, but it seems they don't keep all their prior publications on their site..
Will look into the 23% module efficiency. This is huge improvement from their current 20%. Cell level must be 25%+ then.
Quality-wise SPWR are progressing greatly, but they must reduce cost too, since competition have cut costs with more than 50% from an already much lower level. Once SPWR get to within cost range they could become disruptive.