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  • "odyd12" started this thread

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Sunday, January 27th 2013, 11:43am

The recurring myths and amazing potential of solar energy

Very nice article on prevailing myths about solar energy and costs. Campaign of misinformation and confusion is still at large, but times are changing…al-solar-energy



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Sunday, January 27th 2013, 3:50pm

Nice to see. The Media Matters source is also interesting reading:…r-energy/192364



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Yesterday, 3:07am

PV also has a 30 times better area energy yield than biofuels:…olar-to-mileage



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Yesterday, 3:43am

PV also has a 30 times better area energy yield than biofuels:…olar-to-mileage
Very interesting numbers. A factor 30 is huge and together with the actually new information for me about only 1% conversion efficiency in plant photosynthesis makes it very hard for me see any point in using plants instead of doped silicon to convert the sun energy. Let the plants fuel animals and electricity fuel machines and harvest the electricity directly from the sun energy produced now instead of sun energy converted to carbon (or separating it from CO2) now or long ago (causing CO2 cycle shocks).

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "explo" (Yesterday, 7:31am)



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Yesterday, 7:24am

I am feeling good this AM as I am always pleased to read good pieces like that. I hope that the lazy corporate media here in the US begins insisting on truth and gets to work. They have been so bad about anything science related especially PV and climate change. They will have an expert, exposing exact science and truth then "balance" it with some corporate tool of the fossil fuel, fake science lobby like the Cato institute. Cronkite would never have gone for that and if there were journalistic integrity, the US population would be screaming for PV right now. The flat-earth, Jesus was riding a dinosaur crowd can only fool the people so long.

It all gets back to sentiment, when that worm turns, we may be in for a ride. Yes, PV is a commodity but if PV becomes "the sector" you will see irrational exuberance reflected in our share price for a period of time. Who knows when, but I hope soon for all kinds of reasons.




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