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Posts: 40

Date of registration: Sep 28th 2012

Location: Canada

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Tuesday, October 2nd 2012, 7:42am

52% equity as a collateral

Are those Peng shares?…-130700365.html

Uncle Chang


Posts: 9

Date of registration: Sep 29th 2012

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Tuesday, October 2nd 2012, 2:52pm

Let me replace with company's own release.…40635&highlight=

Yes, It did say "LDK New Energy" (Aka Peng Inc)!

The key points are "various Prior Defaults" and "forbear from exercising their power of sale".

Lender(s) has/Have) been Forbearing to exercise their power to liquidate loaner's shares ,due to prices to low to mention, while investors have been wondering why Peng has not declared bankrupcy...

You gotta excuse my English, but honestly that's how I interprete it. :evil:



Posts: 40

Date of registration: Sep 28th 2012

Location: Canada

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Tuesday, October 2nd 2012, 8:22pm

According to data LDK sold 2.25MW of modules in August and 25MW in July for export (outside of China). The company has closed down for two weeks and operated its capacity with 20% utilization in last 30 or so days. Now Peng got a "promise" that assets will not be liquidated under the collateral (his shares). I see Hobo has posted a post-mortem on yahoo, claiming his personal victory," unlike a lot of people " a testament to long life ahead the LDK. LDK is a living corpse, zombie. Putting lipstick on the corpse, it does not make it lively, it makes it look grotesque and scary.