Not saying thats a bad buy... because i'm considering adding a bit myself. But if an RSI in the low 40's doesn't concern you with the market at all time highs.... EEeesh. Just realize that even you think there's no more downside, with solars, there always is. Tempted to wait until we get an RSI in the 20's before buying back which i'm guessing would be in the 1.70's range. We shall see
As I stated several times good earnings and guidance, fundamentals, and other nonsense like that means absolutely nothing in terms share price performance. It open a tremendous opportunity for making money on a stock market. SOL being the best in fundamentals/guidance/development is the worst performer while STP and LDK being the worst in the above-mentioned issues are performing much better. The only reason why SOL is down today and yesterday on a big volume is trading between left and right pockets of the same (the wall street affiliated) entity. I do not think anybody with a common sense and understanding sells her shares at those joke price. I set a huge buy order and ready to double my stake on SOL should crooks bring it lower. Never ever thought that SOL will be taken from 2.80 to below 2 upon so nice development - thanks for rare a opportunity to pick a real winner.