Sunday, March 3rd 2013, 2:18am
I am not sure if I understand any of above.
Sunday, March 3rd 2013, 2:36am
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Sunday, March 3rd 2013, 5:54am
Regarding the other comment that previous investor got screwed i just had to laugh, i dont care a single cent if the company wrote down asset value, it matters zero to me what the value is on paper, what matters is what other people would buy the asset for.
Sunday, March 3rd 2013, 6:01am
Solarman...I would consider this one of those “good digressions”. I’ve been learning a lot on one of my weaker points...detailed accounting specifics. And I’m glad some people with more accounting knowledge than me challenged that off-topic “TOXIC” rating and the way it was presented.Guys, I thought this thread was created by nanogofish about CSIQ's pre earning numbers for q4 2012. How did it get to Rec and other topics? Am I missing something?
Sunday, March 3rd 2013, 6:10am
Here it will make a huge difference if the company plan to use that cash to pay down liabilities or to acquire fixed assets. Therefore I think one has to adjust for (not specifically investment allocated according to company statement) cash. In case of CSIQ they have 1870m in liabilities, but they also have 690m in cash. With same liabilities and equity level, but say 90m in cash instead the risk would be higher.
Sunday, March 3rd 2013, 6:30am
I do find it extremely odd that Western Banks are still willing to lone 100’s of Millions of Dollars to CSIQ within the last few months, because with my definition of Toxic no-one outside of China would lend you a penny.
Sunday, March 3rd 2013, 6:32am
just a thought, but the number of separate discussions boards could become an issue in becoming too "complicated", especially since subjects frequently overlap. Having a diversion to a discussion on accounting once in a while is OK...if it happens frequently than a new board would be preferred. And some of the lower traffic subjects over time maybe could be grouped together or put into sub-catagories or something...@odyd, it would be nice to break out a REC discussion group and maybe also an accounting group.
Sunday, March 3rd 2013, 7:10am
You can put whatever meaning you want into whatever metric you want, especially when it makes your own stock look better. Bottom line I’m pretty sure that the majority of investors, analysts and the business community doesn't consider CSIQ’s financial situation to be Toxic...But maybe you can tell more?
Sunday, March 3rd 2013, 7:09pm
I’m pretty sure that the majority of investors, analysts and the business community doesn't consider CSIQ’s financial situation to be Toxic...
Monday, March 4th 2013, 4:31am
I started growing a beard 3-years ago, so that’s why I think the stock went from $26 to $3...of course just saying so doesn't make it so...With the stock in the $3s and 3 year high in the $26s, I would say they consider it toxic indeed. But so they do most solars. I don't think there is an exception in that list. They are all in the same toxic bucket.
Monday, March 4th 2013, 5:40am
That's very noble of you and I respect that, but there are other much safer investments in the clean energy sector, where you could help the sector as much, or even more, than an investment in a Chinese solar company. But you still chose the one with the "toxic" balance sheets?Nano, because I believe in clean energy and I want to leave a better planet for my children. And if I end up being wrong with my choice, at least I tried.
Monday, March 4th 2013, 6:22am
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