Jinko fundamentals vs peers?
Has anyone ran numbers based on MW shipments and profitability per watt to determine an amount of shipments required to make $1 in EPS and then calculated a growth percentage to reach it and crossed this to current share price to determine a fair valuation to peers?
Jinko Solar fundamentals
30M per Q Opex, $15M interest = $45M quarterly @ 350MW
Current gross per watt $0.06 expected gross per watt sometime in 2013 of $0.10
Shares outstanding 30M
$210/$0.10 = 2100MW
Increased shipments of 1GW = $70M in Opex or 1400MW more in shipments.
Total Opex and interest + profit = $350M
Total shipments 3.5 GW needed at $0.10 gross to make $1 in EPS.
Growth required to earn $1 = 2300/1200=191%
current estiamted growth 30-50%
At $0.15 gross per watt =1400MW or an increase of 200MW from current
Increased shipments of 200MW add $14M in Opex or needing 200MW more shipments
Total shipments 1600MW at $0.15 gross per watt to reach $1 in earnings.
Growth required to earn $1 = 400/1200=33% growth.
Profit growth 25% to reach $0.10 gross
Profit growth 100% to reach $0.15 gross
Target ASP $0.65 for $0.10 gross
Target Cost process/Si $0.45+$0.10 = $0.55
Target ASP $0.65 for $0.15 gross
Target Cost process/Si $0.40+$0.10 = $0.50
How doe other peers stack up for required growths based on costs and required growth? Is JKS now over valued or undervalued?
This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "littleguyintucson" (Feb 20th 2013, 9:16am) with the following reason: correction of value Growth required to earn $1 = 2800/1200=123% s/b Growth required to earn $1 = (3500-1200)/1200=191%