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  • "odyd12" started this thread

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Sunday, February 3rd 2013, 5:52pm

Discounts for Members

I just confirmed, 20% one time purchase of the three month pack is ok for a member of the forum. Members of the forum can receive 10% for each month they will purchase moving forward.


There will be no other discounts or giveaways. Data will be sold every month and quarterly. There could be some sort of analysis made when quarterly reporting is done and send to those who have 3 months or a pack purchased for additional $20 or something like that, if that makes sense. Those who are interested receiving discounts we have a forum for the buyers, others send me pm please

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Sunday, February 3rd 2013, 6:10pm

Thanks odyd... I will be purchasing in near future



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Tuesday, February 5th 2013, 5:55pm

Thanks! me too, will purchase from Jan.



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Tuesday, February 5th 2013, 9:53pm

Will purchase Jan and probably beyond also.

Odyd, can you offer any more clarification about "there could be some sort of analysys made when....etc"? Meaning that you are planning on offering summary info with the Reports also? Very good idea, if that is the case.



  • "odyd12" started this thread

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Tuesday, February 5th 2013, 10:25pm

Yes, I am thinking about forecast model based on combination of deliveries (Solarzoom data) actual shipments, and levels of inventory. Combining those would be probably a very effective way in predicting the ability to meet guidance. This summary will be only available to those who bought data, since we will never release data free to public. I would say the combo would be around $100.00 ($75 data plus $25 analysis) $85 one time deal with Q4 pack discount. and for buyers of the pack or three months of the quarter $25. I work as a forecasting and planning manager in my day job it should be interesting.

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