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Friday, February 1st 2013, 7:22am

Suntech - Dead Man Walking

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Friday, February 1st 2013, 8:08am

Is it just me or is every solar article on seekingalpha a short attack?

I am writing blogs there myself but nothing so negative as the articles that get published.



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Friday, February 1st 2013, 8:15am

The common prevailing perception is that solar is an expensive toy and not a real thing. Despite massive amount of data, misconception and particularly individual investors are at large at best confused or completely oblivious to it. Throw the "Chinese" factor into the mix and you have a recipe for a full frontal attack of negativity. ILOVEPV posted something interesting that certain groups quietly are building equity, keeping masses in the darkness so when they are to blow up the lid on it, frenzy and herd mentality will build the appreciation quick in the markets. I am hoping to collect on the same, so I do not mind work of the "devil".

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