Ok, thanks. PV will probably be cheaper there than in many places, but with dirt cheap coal it will be difficult for renewables. What about the politics, would it be possible to favor clean over dirty energy? My guess is that SA is not in the position of having that luxury yet..?
Good guess, the local power utility Eskom is in a state of perpetual bankruptcy
Would the middle east model to increase fossil fuel profits through increased exports enabled by replacement of domestic supply with electricity from desert sun be possible?
Nope, thermal coal sells for $90/ton in the international markets, and at .333 kg/kWh fuel consumption you get fuel costs of 3 cents/kwh. Add one cent for opex. Kills anyhing that's slightly green.
Look elsewhere, e.g. Chile with similar irradiation than South Africa but much higher energy costs or Japan with virtually no fossil ressources and better irradiation than Germany...