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4 replies to this topic

#1 odyd



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Posted 20 June 2014 - 05:18 AM

Hi there,


I would like to remind everyone on CEDR Club you do not need to renew premium membership. CEDR Club covers all areas of the forum. Do not renew those.


Changes to premium Membership:

Monthly membership is going down to $9.50 per month. This is still the most expensive membership per month in comparison to other plans.



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Current and future CEDR Club members who renew or purchase CEDR Club Q3 subscription will receive credit toward CEDR based on their remaining premium membership, counted from, but excluded August 2014. I will personalize this information for 33 members of the club at point of renewal. New members should send me PM to acquire details of the conversion.


Bulk discounts

At 50 members in CEDR, I will transition current premium forums to a free site. Further discounts will follow for those in CEDR Club based on the number of members who have joined.

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#2 odyd



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Posted 20 June 2014 - 05:23 PM

I feel really good about our industry and our investments. I would like to adjust other fees down as well.


6 months fees are back to regular $50 per 6 months.

Full year will drop to $90, with the renewal option of $80.00,

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#3 odyd



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Posted 22 June 2014 - 08:16 AM

I changed the renew option for 6 months to $45 for six months.

All the new fees are in effect.

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#4 odyd



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Posted 22 June 2014 - 10:22 PM

Update on fees:

I have changed the monthly membership to $8.50.

All credits PMs have been sent to 16 CEDR Club members who's premium membership does not expire beyond August.

CEDR Club forum offers access to all forums and do not require premium membership.


All premium members who will join Q3 edition of CEDR for the first time, will receive a credit prior to their purchase worth $8 per month of their premium membership.

Please contact me via PM for details of your account.

Example: Premium member who's subscription expires in March 2015 would receive $56 credit toward the $270 purchase.


Upon 50 members joining the CEDR Club in Q3 subscription (August), the current premium forum will become free. When 60 members joins everyone who joined will receive $20 coupon lowering Q4 CEDR club subscription to $250.00

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#5 odyd



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Posted 26 June 2014 - 09:41 PM


Latest on Monday I should be able to receive data for May.

CEDR Club is a new thing to me and everyone else so it has a lot of dynamic in it. Just the other day CEDR Club membership became a single format to access all forums. Please do not pay your invoice on the premium membership due, if you are CEDR Club member.

I have been contacted by two members, with the question how to join the CEDR Club now. They also were curious if they can use their paid memberships toward the CEDR Club.

I have issued discount to CEDR Club 16 members who have premium memberships spanning beyond August. When renewing CEDR Club they can use the credit for that period of time. I want to remind everyone that those premium memberships will remain valid despite of the credit. Meaning if by Q4 you feel CEDR is too much and you have unexpired premium membership to fall on go for it. This is giving money away, essentially on my part, but I believe in the value of CEDR so much that I think it will easy win over you. 


I am making following promotional offer to premium members. Use your already spent money to join CEDR Club now and enjoy it till August. The credit will apply to a full price, and you of course will have access to April data as everyone else has today. Your premium membership will remain valid as it is today, so in reality your money will work twice for you (sounds as a good investment).


I will offer a credit of $8 per month. If you have a membership till February, 2015. This is $64 credit against $270.00. Your premium membership will remain intact. Of course, you will not receive credit opportunity like that for Q3, if you choose act now. Those who will join at the regular time (end of August) will be eligible for credit at that point, with time left starting from September. This offer is made available via private message so use the PM or contact me at info@solarpvinvestor.com

Note , this offer is valid till Midnight June 29th, 2014.


One bad news I will not be able make the site completely free.  I will reduce fees as we get members for CEDR, but there will be a point of stop at $4 dollars or so per month, and longer periods like 6 and a year will have their fraction discounts. .

Those forums exist in paid format for 10 months and I have made every effort to make the data and forum affordable. I am proud I am able to help solar investors and hope to continue come up with innovative ideas to help you get info with least cost and the best environment.


I just saw an offer from one of the authors on SA for $240M a month of a weekly newsletter, so I think what I offer is not pricey and has actual data behind it, not someone's opinion only.




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