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  • "odyd12" started this thread

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Friday, July 12th 2013, 7:22am

TinPad from Schmid

I like this a lot, SunPower way…t_tinpad_system



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Friday, July 12th 2013, 7:25am

Yeah the tinpad is really good solution. Silver is still relative expensive and copper/tin is the way forward. Hope this is an industry trend because it will help bring down costs and also make it more sustainable.



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Friday, July 12th 2013, 8:59am

A lot of small improvements is going on in many university and industry labs. There is an array of them in various directions starting from cell and module technology and finishing in storage and installation technique. a simple google search can reveal many interesting innovations but the most important resume is here: this industry is in her early infancy, we are watching a beginning of a global energy revolution with an exponential growth. It is going to be an internet like explosion with the same effect for our life. I won't be surprised if 30-40% of all electrical power will come from PV solar in 10-12 years.



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Friday, July 12th 2013, 9:07am

whileI cant speak for odyd I think we both know there are many solutions. I just think this one by schmid is one of the better ones. (it has won inovation awards)



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Friday, July 12th 2013, 9:14am

The excessive use of silver paste in cells will be a paranthesis. It is one of the major cost improvements to be made.

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