
Nexolon Aspires to Global Leadership in the Aftermath of the Industry Shakeup

We had a chance to conduct a conversation with Mr. Je-Hyun Yoon, Nexolon’s CEO, and Mr. Tae-Jin Chung, Head of IR, on the company’s technological advances and recent developments in the US.

Published in SPVI NEWS
Thursday, 09 August 2012 18:00

South Korean Solar Duo Takes on the US Market

While the Chinese are regrouping or retreating in the sound of cheers from CASM, as predicted, other Asian companies are moving in to fill the void

Published in SPVI NEWS

The company points to the price gap between mono and multi wafers to seize the opportunity to supply the market with mono n-type and full square mono wafers produced from large-diameter ingots

Published in SPVI NEWS


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